
Conditions for Monday 2/13/23

It got pretty toasty out there on Sunday afternoon, but the snow is holding up really well. Thankfully we have some cold temps Sunday evening and we’ll be able to get back out on the trails Monday morning for a partial groom of the North End. There won’t be a fresh groom on Cascade Brook or John Deere, but we should be able to cover the rest. Lower Snows, Swazeytown, and Beanbender will be marked closed until we get a little more snow.

My full-week outlook: We should be able to do at least a little bit of grooming each day through Wednesday. Then we’ll have to wait out the warm/wet until Saturday morning when things freeze back up. The coverage should hold really well on most trails, but we may start seeing a few thin spots here and there by the weekend.

Happy trails,


Photo taken 2/12/23 on Wicked Easy




Sunday Update