Bubble Delivery

Written 01/08/22

We received an extra-special delivery today! A shipment of bubbles arrived at Waterville Valley Resort, sent directly from our partner, MND Group. These bubbles will be an integral part of our new 6-person chairlift, as they protect riders from wind and precipitation.


  • You get the best of both worlds! The bubble allows you to enjoy the comfort of a gondola with more convenience! You still get to enjoy ergonomically designed individual seats, but you don’t have to go through the hassle of taking off your skis and putting them back on again.

  • You have options! Bubble up or bubble down? On those warmer spring days, you can enjoy fresh alpine air and cool off between runs with the bubble up. On frigid, windy days, you can warm up with the bubble down and stay protected from the elements.

  • Chairs stay dry throughout the day! After chairs reach the top terminal, bubbles will automatically go down, protecting the seats from rain, snow, ice, and sleet. You never have to worry about sitting on a wet chair!


Meeting of the Minds


WATCH: Top Station Assembly Time Lapse