Opening Ceremony Celebration
The day is finally here! Tecumseh Express made its debut this morning!
We kicked off the festivities with free t-shirts, hot chocolate, and trivia. Bruce the Moose also made an appearance! Before opening Tecumseh Express to the public, Tim Smith (President & General Manager), John H. Sununu (Ownership & Former Governor of New Hampshire), and Dennis Kinsella (Director of Sales, MND Group North America).
Tecumseh Express Ceremonial First Chair
From left to right: Bart Dutto, Joe Robertie, Tim Smith, Maverick Larkin, James Sununu, and Dennis Kinsella.
Bart Dutto & Joe Robertie
Longtime community members and members of the First Chair Club. You may recognize these wonderful gentlemen from the Last Chair on White Peaks Quad. These gentlemen embody the spirit of Waterville: they've made friendships through a shared passion for skiing and they are committed not only to their sport, but to their community. And they are truly gritty - they brave the harshest, coldest, windiest winter mornings all for the love of skiing and for the simple joy of spending time with one another. Their spirit and passion now live on forever in Waterville's history books.
Tim Smith
President and General Manager of Waterville Valley Resort.
Maverick Larkin
A young, 5-year old Waterville local and avid skier who spends the majority of his winter days on the mountain.
James Sununu
Ownership Representative.
Dennis Kinsella
Director of Sales, MND Group North America.