
Conditions for Saturday 1/13/24

Early Saturday morning we are, yet again, predicted to pick up somewhere between 3 and 10 inches of snow followed by a little bit of rain. Thankfully the amount of rain has been trending down and the new snow will absorb it without any issue. Given the variability in the amount forecasted, we’ll have to make our grooming decisions early morning on the fly. If we can, we’ll do a small amount of grooming in the Teaching Area and possibly something on the North End as well, but we’ll keep it limited to make sure the trails come through the warm/wet day in the best shape possible. That certainly doesn’t mean that skiing won’t be an option on ungroomed trails, just expect the snow to be on the heavier side.

Conditions should bounce back quickly for Sunday. We now have Livermore Road, Greeley Path, and Connector open in addition to most of the trails on the Tripoli Rd side. We may be able to add Upper Snows for Sunday depending on how much snow we receive.

Happy Trails,



Saturday Update


Friday Update