Saturday 3/8/25

The snow held up quite well after a tough week of weather. Most trails have a granular feel, but are not icy, though there may be different textures in short sections. The North End will see a full groom overnight. Saturday morning we’ll come down Swan’s Way to the South End to reconnect both ends of the system. The Village Trail tunnel is best avoided at the moment after a melt out and re-freeze. We hope to be able to bring some additional South End trails back to life. For the moment we are keeping Rough Rider closed, so Swan’s Way-Inner Mad River-Village Trail will be the best connection to the North End. A few snow showers are in the forecast for Saturday as a bonus.

There is still a lot of snow out there, especially on the North End. Here’s to another month plus of great skiing!



Pond Loop 3/7/25


Daylight Savings 3/9/25


Friday AM Update