Parking in lots 1-9 is 100% free of charge!
As you drive up the road towards the parking lots, make sure you follow the on-site signage towards your desired location and follow the traffic flow.
Ski down from the base area to any of our designated parking lots (1-9) on our parking lot ski trails - check the map for specific locations and routes.
Parking Lot Shuttles operate on weekends and holidays. These shuttles pick guests up at designated locations to bring them up the hill to the base area. (check the map to the right for shuttle-stop locations)
Preferred Parking Day & Season Passes are available with ski-in/ski-out access from the Lower Meadows Lift.
Parking Lot Ski Trails
When it comes to leaving the mountain after a long day on the slopes, parting is such sweet sorrow. But at Waterville Valley, the daily exodus is simply a continuation of the day’s adventures. After finishing up their final runs, you can ski directly from the Base Area to any of our designated parking lots.
P1: Parking Lot Trail 1 | Access to Preferred Parking Lot
P2: Parking Lot Trail 2 | Access to Parking Lots #5-#9
P3: Parking Lot Trail 3 | Access to Parking Lots #1-#4
The Drop-Off Area is located just outside of our Base Lodge. Guests can drive up and unload before finding free parking in lots 1-9.
10 minute maximum in the Drop-Off Area.
Vehicles cannot be left unattended. No Parking in the Drop-Off Area.
The Resort Shuttle - or “Schuss Bus”as some locals like to call it - makes numerous stops throughout Waterville Valley, including at the ski area, lodges, condominiums, White Mountain Athletic Club, Town Square, and more.
The Resort Shuttle Service is FREE and runs everyday during the ski season.
During the summer months, the Resort Shuttle runs during the weekends starting Memorial Day Weekend, and runs daily (9am-5pm) starting from June 14th-Labor Day. However, the Resort Shuttle operates on demand - shuttles do not follow a specific route. If you need a ride, please contact: 603-254-9266.
Please wait at designated Shuttle Stop locations. Inclement weather may cause delays, so please be patient on snowy mornings.