Flying Towers

Written 08/18/22

Fly week is officially here! Yesterday, teams from Waterville Valley Resort, MND, and CHI Aviation worked together to move lift towers up the mountain! 

CHI Aviation began flying their chopper bright & early around 8am. After collecting lift parts from Parking Lots # 7 & 8, the helicopter soared up towards the mountain. Ascending the mountain from the north side, the helicopter cut back across towards Sunnyside before dropping off their load. Ground crews helped guide tower parts toward the tower's structural foundations. Once bolted down securely, crews began climbing up the towers to prepare for the next delivery - another section of the tower or a cross-arm.

This process was repeated several times. Our fabulous crews worked hard and efficiently, securely placing six towers within one day! Today, the wind died down just enough for us to install four towers, but the weather kicked back in before installing the final sheave train and cross-arm. If you take a look at our live camera, you’ll see towers already at Lower White Caps! We'll be back on the mountain tomorrow completing the job! 

*The final tower will be installed via crane


Drive & Bullwheel Installed


Flying Concrete