Last Chair on White Peaks Quad

Written 04/04/22

Sunday, April 3rd, was White Peaks’ last day in operation. Locals, visitors, and longtime community members gathered to commemorate this historic lift; riding up White Peaks together as one Waterville Family. Upon arriving at the Summit, the crowd was treated to an impromptu opera performance by Vlad - the top terminal operator of White Peaks (and local celebrity).

The Last Chair on White Peaks

The "last chair" on White Peaks was highly sought-after. By riding the very last chair, one becomes somewhat immortalized - you become a permanent fixture in Waterville's history books, plus you acquire lifelong bragging rights. Such an honor was not taken lightly, so we reserved the last chair for 4 longtime members of the First Chair Club. The First Chair Club is an unofficial accolade bestowed upon those skiers and riders who are gritty enough to embrace the morning cold day after day, year after year - all in pursuit of fresh tracks. The First Chair Club is not only an honor, but it is a community - these dedicated skiers come together almost every morning, grabbing a coffee from the Marketplace, waiting in giddy anticipation for the bell to ring.

Three members rode the last chair - Bart Dutto, Joe Robertie, and Ross Hamlin. The empty seat was reserved in honor of Lenny Emory. Lenny was a longtime member of the First Chair Club and a passionate, loyal member of the Waterville Family. He was exceptionally dedicated to the sport and the mountain, often recording 120+ days of skiing here in the Valley. Lenny was known for his regular piano performances - in fact, the Green Peak trail, Pianoman, was named in his honor.

These gentlemen embody the spirit of Waterville Valley. They formed their friendships through a shared passion for skiing. They were committed not simply to their sport, but to their community as well. And lastly, they were truly gritty - they'd brave the harshest, gustiest winter mornings all for the love of skiing and for the simple joy of spending time with one another.

Skier's Prayer
By Lenny Emory

When the mountain starts to sparkle
In the dawn's early sun
And you're getting off the chair
For your first powder run
Look out upon my Valley just before you go
And if your voice is truth
And your heart is pure I'll be your snow.


Chair Removed & Haul Rope Grounded


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